

Jeg vevde dette ullstoffet da jeg var ung og ivrig tekstilstudent på Kunsthøgskolen i Bergen. Alle vennene mine bidro med hver sin tegning av et grantre. Bakgrunnen var et prosjekt med nye souvenirer for Rana: "Grana veks ikke lenger enn tel Rana". Skulle ønske jeg hadde mer enn en prøvelapp.
I made this wool fabric as a student at Bergen National Academy of the Arts. Each of my friends made a drawing that I used for the pattern. I wish I made more of it. 

3 kommentarer:

  1. So nice - and what a fine idea behind the project.

  2. Thank you, Inger Marie! I am tidying my work space (again), and diving in to the pile of things, I start looking at my old projects with new eyes. Great fun!

  3. yeah! it's a lovely idea, and i love the colors and the final pattern.
    how many beautiful new things.
