

Familien min har sommerhus på Sleneset, en liten øy på Helgelandskysten. Dersom været tillater det, kjører pappa båten ut til Lovundvika, og der haler vi i land mengder av torsk og sei. Så blir det fiskekaker og fiskesuppe og stekt fisk og kokt fisk resten av ferien.
My family has a summer house on a small island called Sleneset, in the middle of Norway. If the weather is nice, we take the boat to our fishing spot, and fill the boat with large amounts of cod and coalfish. Then we eat fish cakes, fish soup, fried fish and boiled fish for the rest of our stay.

2 kommentarer:

  1. oh!! it looks as you've had a very good time these days!
    love your knitted yellow hat too :)

  2. The photos at sea are actually from last summer, but the snowy picture is from this weekend :) And I love my knitted yellow hat too!
