
midnight sun and a weird house

Det fineste med å være på Sleneset er å sykle tur i midnattsol.
One of the best things about spending summertime at Sleneset is to bicycle around in the midnight sunlight.

Jeg skulle ønske det var jeg som kjøpte dette huset. Da skulle jeg latt trappa være i fred, selv om den fører rett inn i veggen. 
I wish it was me who got to buy this house at Sleneset. I would definately have left the stairs as they were, despite the fact that they are leading straight into a wall.

5 kommentarer:

  1. I like the stairs too, a perfect meeting place :)
    The first picture is stuning!

  2. What a beautiful view! You really make me longing for Norway!

  3. Skal vedde på at det er ei skjult dør der også! Nydelige bilder!

  4. ove your blog ! nice colors, nice pictures....

  5. LOVE not ove.....of course...héhéhé :D
