

Brødskive på yndlingsfatet "SOL" fra Upsala-Ekeby og kaffe i yndlingskoppen (barnekopp i glass med to hanker, uten merke) fra Fretex på Lillehammer.

Glad frokost!

Bread on my favourite plate "SOL" from Upsala-Ekby, and coffee in my favourite mug (no label).

Happy breakfast!

2 kommentarer:

  1. so nice pictures, that's the cuttest breakfast, face, plate and mug (thismug is gorgeous!!) in the world!!

    enjoy :D

  2. Thanks! And thanks for being the very first to comment on my blog!

    The mug is an old childrens mug in glass, with two "ears". It is printed on it that it s safe to put in the oven. Hm.
