
joy of cooking

"Jej lite itte sånn". Jaja. Mer på meg.
"Don't like that". Ah well. More for me.


another mannequin down

Denne scenen minner meg om den skumle filmen med Kidman&Cruise som jeg ikke husker hva heter. Jeg regner med at meningen er at det skal se ut som hun ligger lett henslengt på sofan og slapper av, men jeg klarer ikke helt å se det på den måten. Litt som forrige gang jeg spottet noe lignende, men ikke helt.
This scene reminds me of the scary movie by Kidman&Cruise that I can't remember the name of. I have a thing for mannequins in scary scenes, just see.



Lurer på hvor langt hun hadde gått før hun fant ut at skoene manglet.
Wonder how far she had walked before she noticed that her shoes were missing.


more portugal, please

love clouds, always will

how did i manage without my iphone, especially on long flights?

the view from our apartment

throwing stones into the waves

fresh air and the smell of sea

how the world looked from my sunbed

I want to have a private beach too

the oranges, oh, they were just wonderful. And cheap.

the last evening was spent without kids at a lovely restaurant. The no 1 ranking did scare us a bit, but we were not disappointed. The sweet Ana and Peter made us an unforgettable 5 course meal.

wish they were coconut palms!

veranda view

mamma, come find me

wish I could live all the way up there

so sweet together, these two

Just spent a week at the cpo resort outside Albufeira celebrating my mothers 60th birthday. Wish all birthdays were like this!


everything waits

Borghild er en veldig god venninne og tilfeldigvis også min favorittkunstner. Akkurat nå stiller hun ut på SOFT Galleri i Oslo. 

Utstillingen Alt venter er en hyllest til det underlige, det lekne, til naturen, til kroppen, og til minnene, men mest av alt til det paradoksale i livet; til det som ikke er enten eller, men som er begge deler. 

Nå stikker jeg til Portugal på en ukes ferie med storfamilien! Hadet!

Borghild is a very good friend of mine, and she happens to be my favourite artist as well. Her exhibition Everything waits is a tribute to the weird, the playful, to nature, to the body, and to the memories, but most of all to the paradoxes in life; to what is not neither - nor, but both.

I am off to Portugal for a week with my family now. Bye-bye!


cladophora aegagropila

Denne marimo-ballen lever lykkelig i en glasskrukke i Linas kjøkkenvindu. Jeg vil også ha en sånn!

This marimo ball lives happily in a glass jar in Lina's kitchen window. I want one too!


happy birthday to me!

(more about this picture here)

29 (again), happy birthday-wake-up from my two boys -  this will be the perfect day!


spring activity:

- taking the vehicle for a spin

- trying on new summer shoes