
farm life

I påsken var vi noen dager i Valdres på besøk hos gode venner med gård. Frisk luft. Fint vær. Glade voksne. Lykkelige barn. Masse skjønnhetssøvn. Fine kyr. Og en fantastisk lampe som vi fant på låven - som ble med meg hjem!
Easter was spent with good friends on a farm in Valdres. Fresh air. Sunny weather. Happy parents. Happy children. Lots of sleep. Friendly cows. And a lovely lamp that we found on the barn - that now belongs to me!


midnight sun and a weird house

Det fineste med å være på Sleneset er å sykle tur i midnattsol.
One of the best things about spending summertime at Sleneset is to bicycle around in the midnight sunlight.

Jeg skulle ønske det var jeg som kjøpte dette huset. Da skulle jeg latt trappa være i fred, selv om den fører rett inn i veggen. 
I wish it was me who got to buy this house at Sleneset. I would definately have left the stairs as they were, despite the fact that they are leading straight into a wall.

beware of the dog


park life

Sånn flaks at farmor er nabo med den aller beste lekeplassen!
Visiting grandma and the best playground.


my new watch

Enda en ny klokke har kommet med posten fra supersøte Eva (Misako Mimoko) i Barcelona. Tror jeg må begynne å bære en klokke på hver arm, for jeg klarer ikke bestemme meg for hvilken klokke som er den fineste - denne eller den jeg kjøpte sist.
Yesterday another watch came to me from Barcelona and the super sweet Eva (misako mimoko)! I can not decice which one I like the most - this one or the one I bought last time.


happy birthday, kjæresten!

an then the fog disappeared

A few years ago we went to Værøy to visit family. We went for a walk to look at the view, but as we reached the top, the fog came in. And suddenly it left, as quickly as it arrived. I come from the northern part of Norway, which is known for it's fantastic scenery, but I have never seen anything like the mountains that surround Værøy and the region of Lofoten.


my weekend

Went to a couple of flea markets, but found nothing. This is an old treasure.

Watched a big tre fall bam! to the ground outside our apartment. The wind did it.

Saw a nice pile of chopped up trees.

Went for a walk to look at peoples window exhibitions.

Drove to Kolbotn to see the graffiti exhibition Collaborism. See stop motion video here.

Played with Melvin in da hood.

Told him we were going to buy ice cream.

Watched some nice foreign objects.

And then we went home.


kim hiorthøy / susanna kajermo törner

Last weekend: Kim Hiorthøy at Standard (Oslo), pictures 1&2 - and Susanna Kajermo Törner at Tegnerforbundet, pictures 3&4. Melvin slept through the first exhibition, an enjoyed his bun through the next, but his parents liked what they saw.